平沢進 + 会人
★HYBRID PHONONはP-MODEL、平沢進ソロ、核P-MODELの楽曲が一つのステージに混在するライブです。HYBRID PHONON 2566では各カテゴリーに3つの色がシンボルカラーとして割り当てられインデックスのように使われます。
High-energy live show featuring a cold nuclear fusion of Susumu Hirasawa solo, P-MODEL and Kaku P-MODEL. This is only the second very rare style since 2014. Don't miss out!
*HYBRID PHONON is a live show that mixes P-MODEL, Susumu Hirasawa solo and Kaku P-MODEL music on one stage. In HYBRID PHONON 2566, three colours are assigned to each category as symbolic colours and used like an index.
◆P-MODEL (derived from the colour of the first album's vinyl record). ◆Solo (derived from the red colour of the album Technique of Relief). ◆Kaku P-MODEL (derived from the blue colour used in many album designs).
9月8日(金) グランキューブ大阪 SOLD OUT
開場18:00 / 開演19:00
9月9日(土) グランキューブ大阪 SOLD OUT
開場17:00 / 開演18:00
9月17日(日) 東京国際フォーラム ホールA SOLD OUT
開場17:30 / 開演18:30
ライブ会場にて販売する記念グッズの詳細は公式サイトNEWS「HYBRID PHONON 2566 記念グッズご紹介」をご確認下さい。商品写真はhttps://twitter.com/Hirasawa_Live をご覧下さいませ。
The consert memorative items will be available for purchase at 1:30 p.m. -
販売個数の制限をさせて頂きます。ライトコート 各サイズごと1枚迄、合計2枚迄。Tシャツ、サイズ問わず2枚迄。バッジ、エンブレムチャーム、サコッシュ、メモリアルカード、各2点迄。
その他の販売に関するお知らせは公式サイトNEWS「HYBRID PHONON 2566 記念グッズ紹介」にも掲載しておりますので、ご確認下さいますようお願いします。
2023年9月8日(金)18:30 生配信~2023年9月14日(木)23:59 までアーカイブ配信
2023年9月9日(土)17:30 生配信~2023年9月15日(金)23:59 までアーカイブ配信
2023年9月17日(日)18:00 生配信~2023年9月23日(土・祝)23:59 までアーカイブ配信
★各チケット視聴券 国内3,300円(税込)
インバウンド(overseas):Ticket 3,300JPY(tax in)
大阪 https://w.pia.jp/a/pls-hybrid-phonon-2566/
東京 https://w.pia.jp/a/pls-hybrid-phonon-2566-tokyo/
PIA LIVE STREAMサイト ヘルプ https://pia-live.jp/help
SMASH WEST https://smash-jpn.com
SMASH https://smash-jpn.com
HOT STUFF PROMOTION https://red-hot.ne.jp
Information for Online Streaming Ticket of “HYBRID PHONON 2566” by Susumu Hirasawa+EJIN
Tickets for video streaming viewing from the performance venue are available. There will also be an archive, please enjoy the performance!
*Distribution Period
– For the performance at Osaka International Convention Center on Friday, September 8, 2023
Live Streaming will start at 18:30 on September 8 (Fri), 2023 Archived until 23:59, September 14 (Thu), 2023
– For the performance at Osaka International Convention Center on Saturday September 9, 2023
Live Streaming will start at 17:30 on September 9 (Sat), 2023
Archived until 23:59, September 15 (Fri), 2023
– For the performance at Tokyo International Forum A on Sunday September 17, 2023
Live Streaming will start at 18:00 September 17 (Sun), 2023
Archived until 23:59, September 23 (Sat), 2023
Ticket 3,300JPY(tax included)
Viewing tickets are required for each performance.
Ticket PIA fee will be charged separately.
*Distribution platform PIA LIVE STREAM (ULIZA)
*Sale period
– For the performance at Osaka International Convention Center on Friday September 8, 2023
From 10:00 on August 26 (Sat), 2023 to 23:59 on September 13 (Wed), 2023
– For the performance at Osaka International Convention Center on Saturday September 8, 2023
From 10:00 August 26 (Sat), 2023 to 23:59 September 14 (Thu), 2023
– For the performance at Tokyo International Forum A on Sunday September 17, 2023
From 10:00 on August 26 (Sat), 2023 to 23:59, on September 22 (Fri), 2023
*Available countries
– North America
– Europe
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
– Asia
Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan,
– South America
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia
– Middle East
Bahrain, Israel, United Arab Emirates
– Africa
Kenya, South Africa
Complies with Amazon CloudFront’s global distribution network.
(Reference) https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/features/?nc1=h_ls&whats-new-cloudfront.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&whats-new-cloudfront.sort-order=desc
Distribution to other countries may be possible due to the nature of the Internet.
However, delivery to other countries may result in delivery delays or intentional blocking of Internet communications, which may prevent normal video viewing.
We recommend that you check the test viewing page in the sales website in advance.
*Sales URL (Select your language)
Osaka: https://w.pia.jp/a/pls-hybrid-phonon-2566/
Tokyo: https://w.pia.jp/a/pls-hybrid-phonon-2566-tokyo/
*For inquiries regarding viewing and distribution
PIA LIVE STREAM site Help : https://pia-live.jp/help?lang=en